Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

Inspiring Inclusion: Supporting International Women's Day 2024

Inspiring Inclusion: Supporting International Women's Day 2024
Senior School News

Join us as we embark on a week-long celebration of inclusion at Alleyn's, leading up to International Women's Day on Friday, March 8th. 

Under the theme of 'Inspiring Inclusion', the Alleyn's Feminist Society (FemSoc) has been busy driving conversations that delve into the issues impacting women, facilitating interviews with male FemSoc members to challenge perspectives and foster understanding, and organising events to commemorate the day.

A crucial event that has already played out in the lead up to Friday is the Girls Football Festival which was hosted here at Alleyn's over the weekend. Run in partnership with Girls United Football, the festival aimed to break down gender stereotypes and provide opportunities for all girls to get involved in football, and was a roaring success.

The celebration of International Women's Day has been carefully woven into school life recently, with announcements made in whole school assemblies and events promoted across school channels to ensure pupils are aware of the important occasion and the activities encompassed within.

Throughout this week, we have a lineup of enlightening talks on Feminism and Inclusion - including the sharing of insights from Alleyn's Alumni, like Zoë Miller (Roper's 2015), who graced us with her presence on Monday to talk about a passion for women's rights, alongside how and why she founded zero-waste BB Pads.

FemSoc has joined forces with Amelie H and Alicia D from Year 10, champions of Period., to organise a daily Period Product Drive at the school entrance. These donations will support Brixton and Norwood Foodbank, the Albrighton Community Fridge, and Under One Sky, who we work with on a weekly basis, donating time and essential items that are distributed among our vulnerable community members. Any contributions to this cause will be greatly appreciated!

On Thursday, the Alleyn's Parent Association are facilitating a women’s and children’s toiletries collection for Little Village who support families with babies and children under five living in poverty across London. Donations will go toward their Mother's Month Bundles.

For a splash of creativity, our Lower School pupils can engage in a banner making activity, and on Friday, we invite all pupils to jazz up their uniforms with a splash of purple, symbolising unity and empowerment, while contributing £2 towards our FemSoc charity.

We will cap off the week with our popular staff netball tournament between the Lower, Middle and Upper School sections on Friday lunchtime, which is sure to be entertaining. Alleyn’s Junior School will also be hosting a voluntary Fun Fitness Session for all pupils with music, lots of individual fitness exercises and challenges for pupils to complete.

Thank you to FemSoc, Mrs. Maxwell, our guest speakers and pupil body for their efforts in celebrating International Women's Day 2024!

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Inspiring Inclusion: Supporting International Women's Day 2024
